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Writer's pictureCrystal Anderson

Invisible Wounds

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Invisible Wounds I was talking to a friend the other day and she mentioned a situation that she doesn’t often speak of, but carries always. It made me think of how many of us are burdened with similar things. Some things that are temporary and some that forever change us. Maybe its a family matter, a teen’s choice, a financial crisis, or health issue. Perhaps its divorce or the loss of a spouse or child. All the things that can cause us to be a silent keeper of pain. 

What do we do when we walk around with these invisible wounds? Wounds that either no one knows about or perhaps others know, but with time, a new normal comes and they don’t realize the pain we still bear.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that others are insensitive. Sometimes they are, but sometimes it’s just that they can’t relate to the deep loss that has taken residence in our lives.

And so we grieve within our own story. That’s when I find that God gets my attention. It’s the days that I walk around in a daze and get lost in my thoughts and emotions that I brace myself  for the work He wants to do in me. It’s in the extra hard times that God walks with me and new layers of healing surface. And my heart skips a beat and I smile ever so slightly as I remember that He is so very close and has not left me to this grieving alone.

He Calls You Blessed Friend, God actually calls you blessed when you mourn and grieve. I know you don’t feel that way many a time! And that’s why I want you to read this scripture.

Have you ever heard of the Beatitudes? They are the eight blessings Jesus speaks of at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. It can be found in Matthew 5:

Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down, His disciples came to him and he began to teach them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they are will be comforted. Matthew 5:1-4

It continues through verse 12 as Jesus teaches his disciples who are the blessed.

The one that stood out to me one Sunday at church was this one. Blessed are those who mourn.

Those two words don’t seem to go together at all. I mean how can one be in mourning and yet be blessed?

Hmmm…what exactly does blessed mean you may ask. The pastor gave this definition.

Blessed- A gracious disposition that leads to flourishing inwardly.

I think that maybe Jesus is talking here about a mourning that leads to repentance of sin and therefore one is truly blessed. That makes sense.

But as I’ve continued to ponder the word “mourning” these past few weeks, it has led me to a string of thoughts where my grief is carried way deep, down inside.

Buried much of the time and invisible almost to me.

God in His goodness, guided my thoughts and I was reminded that, blessed are those who mourn. You see, I actually flourish inside as He peals back those layers of healing, and I experience God’s amazing, unfailing love for me. I accept His Sovereignty and I find myself being able to be comforted by the One who knows.

And you know what? He wants to do that for you too!

May I pray for you?

Oh Lord, Please be with this dear one who is mourning and may your presence overwhelm her with the peace and comfort that she so longs to have. Lord, gently guide her in your Word so that she may truly know that you are ever so close. Even through the hurt and unbearable pain, may she see that You oh God are her ever present help.

In Jesus name, Amen

Here is another good song for you! Be blessed dear one.

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