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Writer's picture: Crystal AndersonCrystal Anderson

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Who says you can’t learn life lessons from your pet! This true story of a walk with my dog may be a little comical, but in the end, my pondering led me to reflect on a truth that moved my heart. Mickey! Mickey! I called out! But my adventurous little Westie wouldn’t listen.  Instead he lunged forward with such force that the retractable leash almost catipulted out of my hand, and then Ole Mickey Boy would be free! Free to roam the woods behind our house and explore the stream that flows gently just off the beaten path, leaving the great outdoors as his domain. Luckily, his robust energy is not new to me. At our old house Mickey loved his freedom so much that as soon as he exited through the doggie door in the kitchen and to our fenced backyard, he would turn his gaze to one certain spot.

The Gate The old, sagging, white painted gate attached to the picket fence. There were two other gates in the backyard, but he didn’t care about those. It was this one that he knew was his ticket to freedom! He was a hoot to watch as he would literally take a few steps back as if to get a good running start, shift all his weight to his back legs, stay intensely focused on the gate and take off running straight towards the gate with all the force his short little white Westie legs could muster. I mean seriously! This little dog of mine knew that if the gate had not latched properly, he could ram into it with all his might and it would open just enough for him to squeeze his chubby little body through.


It had happened enough times for him to remember.

Remember that if the gate didn’t latch, it was his ticket out! And he could run like a crazy dog through the neighborhood…of which my dear neighbors can testify! And when he got one look at me running after him, he would hightail it further away from me and the fenced yard! Feeling the wind blowing in his fur and knowing that his hard work paid off and he was free! Oh my goodness, I love that cute little dog of mine. It makes me laugh to think how determined and focused he was on that gate.

My Focus

As I continued to think about how he would love his freedom even now in these woods behind our rental, I thought too about his determination in our last backyard. And I wondered what in my life am I that focused on. My first thought? Food! I love food, especially snack food. Honestly, I prefer foods like, yogurt, crackers, chips, nuts, cheese, chocolate…the sweet and salty foods. My focus throughout the day seems to gravitate towards food…not necessarily  because I’m hungry, but because I just want something to eat.

But then…food also leads to frustration as I worry that I’ll eat too much and go over my Weight Watchers points. Yes, I’m one of those point counters! Maybe I should skip dinner, not eat the rest of the day…and on and on it goes. Crazy thoughts like that! Know what I mean? I continued walking Mickey and began getting a little overwhelmed at my Food Focus issue and decided to renew my mind and turn my focus toward God. And I thought…

What About God

What about God? What does He focus on? What matters to Him? I cocked my head to one side and drew a smile, I didn’t have to think long about this one … I matter to God! Holy Week began yesterday with Palm Sunday. And the death of Jesus on the Cross is at the forefront of my mind and it causes me to see it plain as day. His focus is me…His focus is you. John 3 :16 says,

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.That’s His focus. That we may know Him, be forgiven of our sins and made righteous in His sight.

Oh, how He loves us, sweet friends.

The Cross

Read His Word from the perspective of what He did for you as he was mocked, tortured, and beaten. And as He hung on that cross, He took what we deserved and bore a horrific death so that we could be clothed in righteousness.

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of GodHebrews 12:2And I will leave you with this song. I pray that it calms your heart as you rest in Him.

Blessing to each of you, Crystal

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