Scripture: Acts 4-9
Nugget: Proclaim the Word Boldly
The book of Acts amazes me because we find the disciples on their own once again and in despair. Jesus has ascended into heaven and they are left to grieve and process what had happened and what to do next.
Acts 1 begins with the recollection of Jesus’ words as He appeared to the disciples during the 40 days after his resurrection and before His ascension.
On one occasion, while He was eating with them, He gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift My Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 1:4-5
And that, my friend, made all the difference because we see the disciples transformed. Instead of feeling helpless, they became hopeful, instead of sorrow, they were filled with joy.
They began to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ boldly...preaching and healing, all the while knowing that they too could be killed. Scripture continues to unfold their bold response and tells us that some were put in jail for this boldness to speak out.
What were they proclaiming?
The disciples were proclaiming the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Now remember the timeline here. It had not been years since the death of Jesus, but merely days and there were a few groups of people who were livid.
The priests and Sadducees. They had Jesus brutally crucified and thought they had silenced Him once and for all, BUT GOD! He raised Jesus from the dead and this wicked plot to be rid of Him forever was crushed as they saw His disciples preaching the good news.
Where did this boldness come from?
If you read Acts 2, you see that God sent the Holy Spirit. It says in verse 4 that they were “filled with the Holy Spirit.” So now the comforter has indeed come and scripture continues in Acts 4, sharing the testimony of these faithful disciples:
Now, Lord, consider their(see vs. 27) threats and enable your servants to speak Your word with great boldness. Stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”
Acts 4:29-30
My! What beautiful heroes of the faith who were equipped by the Holy Spirit to pick themselves up and go out to proclaim the good news of salvation.
Do you remember what they prayed for in Acts 4:29?
Keep that word in mind as you continue to read through Acts. Highlight it in your Bible and you will start to see a pattern of prayer for boldness. With all that said, be encouraged today friends! As Christians, we too have the Holy Spirit as our comforter and guide. He gives us the power to speak boldly in this dark world who wants nothing more to be rid of Jesus. Let’s be the light and point others to Him who has saved us and set us free in Jesus name! Let’s us be bold as we too, like the disciples, tell others about the name above all names, the Lord above all Lords, the King above all kings...His name is Jesus and so worthy of our praise! Thanks be to the God of my salvation! Be blessed today sweet friends!