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Celebrations galore! That is what January brought to our family. So many birthdays….4 to be exact….January 4, 6, 19, and 31st. Two daughters, one day to be daughter in a law, and one day to be son in law. And so I celebrate each of these beautiful people that God has blessed me with.

But did you know that I’m “That Mom” of twins! Well not as you would think, but twins none the less. God gave me twins a little differently. Krysta was 10 when Rudy came to our family…Rudy was 10 also. Krysta’s birthday is January 4th and Rudy’s, March 16. So most of the year they were the same age….thus twins!

I didn’t think of it that way at first, but when people would ask me the ages of my kids and I would say, two that are 10(or whatever the year)the response was always, “Oh you have twins!” I would say, no, but at the same time, I began to see it that way.

And I think it is things like this that made us mesh so well as a family. We may have looked different on the outside, all these babies of mine…given to me in different ways, but on the inside, there was plenty of love to go around.

As I reflect back on how this came to be, I am reminded that many times God will bring the unexpected into our lives. I wasn’t even open to adoption. My husband and I had 4 children and we were a happy little family.

But oh that stirring that God does in the heart of man. He started to give me a longing for another child. Why not adopt, my husband said. I responded, “No way!” Beautiful Treasures

BUT GOD! He continued to move in my heart and one morning during my devotions, I came across this scripture:

By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established, through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3 &4

It was in that quiet moment as I read God’s Word that He quietly whispered, you have some beautiful treasures, but one, one will be rare.

God speaking into my heart on behalf of Rudy. He knew Rudy would need a home in America where he would receive medical attention. Me? I had no idea. I just trusted in that quite moment with God that He did indeed have another child for us and he would come through way of adoption.

How all that unfolded is another story that I will tell in my book, but let me just say that now I see what God was up to. Have you experienced that? You may be in the midst of something that God has allowed or that He has called you to. You may not be at the part of the story where you can look back. You may have just felt His stirring. You Can Trust God

I can testify that God is so worth trusting. He is the Great I Am. He is all knowing, all caring, and all together worthy of our trust. He will not steer you in the wrong direction. He will not call you to something that He is not with you every step of the way. There is no sweeter place to be than in His will. Is it scary? Yes! But He somehow calms our anxious hearts in these times. He prepares us.

And maybe that is why…as I find myself grieving over the loss of Rudy, it is so comforting for me to simply trust Him. I trusted Him with this precious child before I even knew his name. BUT GOD knew…I thought I had forever with my sweet boy, but it was 16 short years…only 16.

Good thing I didn’t know how things would end. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so quick to trust. Maybe I would have guarded myself against the pain that I would have to endure for the rest of my life. Maybe….but as I sit and write about trusting God, my heart calms a bit. I picture my precious boy with Jesus. His new forever home.

Wasn’t that what God wanted all along? It really wasn’t about me at all. God was working in Rudy’s heart…drawing Rudy to Himself, and wasn’t I blessed to here Rudy call me “Ma.” It took him till the age of 23 to call me that. I loved hearing him call me Ma.

Back to my twins. When Rudy came to live with us, Krysta had the hardest time. Was it because they were so close in age? I’m not sure. I remember shortly after he was settled in his new home, Krysta said, “When is he leaving?” She was not happy with the answer I gave. But she soon came to accept him and oh how he loved her.

I found a note once that he had written. In it, he was encouraging Krysta to wait for the right boyfriend because she was a special person and deserved the right guy. He wanted the best for her. He wanted her to see the value of what a beautiful sister she was…kind and compassionate…his twin.

His Stirring

So, dear friends, I want to encourage you to do the hard thing. If you feel that God is stirring in you to step out of your comfort zone and do something that is so out of what you had planned for your life, let God have His way.

Maybe you have never trusted God in such a big way as to what He is calling you to do. Maybe you trusted Him as Christ your Savior, but you haven’t fully trusted Him in all things. Dear one, He has so much more in store for you in this life than you can imagine! He is working all around us…and maybe…just maybe…He is calling you to be someone’s Ma…or change careers…or move across the country to start a ministry.

I don’t know, but what I do know is that God’s ways are best. Hard..yes…but best…an even bigger YES!

It may not be easy….it will probably be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done, but you will see God’s hand like never before. You will see His heart as He uses you to do great things for Him.

Praying that God will guide, and use, and reach so many as He continues to love us and we continue to share that love.

Bitter Sweet….absolutely

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