It’s taking me a little longer to write this next post. There is so much in my thoughts and on my heart. So I’ve narrowed it down to this.
I recently went to the Divine Conference at Free Chapel in Gainesville, Ga. The worship time was so uplifting and the speakers spoke words that gripped the heart. I wish I could write all that I learned, but I will narrow it down and share one thing that I pray will help you find hope amidst whatever broken place you find yourself. I am learning that God uses each broken place to store up goodness in our lives...a goodness that we only find when we truly place all our trust in Him.
One of the speakers was Lysa TerKeurst. Her latest book is, It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way. She shared her story of an unfaithful spouse and God’s faithfulness to her. She said, “It may not feel good right now, but God is working good.” I sat amazed that she could make such a statement. She continued to speak this into each woman and my thoughts turned toward my daughter, Alyssa, who was sitting beside me. She has struggled with infertility for about 5 years now. It doesn’t feel “good.” Not only that, but her husband, Levi, has a pituitary tumor that was diagnosed shortly after they were married 6 years ago. He has suffered from sever headaches and neck pain and most recently, vision loss.

Such a long season
She...my oldest baby girl...is broken...stuck in this long season with no end in sight....its been such a long season. But she is here, ready to be filled with a good word from a good God. She has questioned...believe me...she has questioned...and she is a feisty thing...and I’m sure she has told God a thing or two about how she feels! And guess what! That is ok! He knows...He sees.. He cares....
Lysa continued to speak and share how often we want to write OUR own story and then expect God to do what WE desire. We then become angry at God for not doing it! I’m sure we can all relate. How many times do we find ourselves in a situation and think that this certainly cannot be what God would have for us to walk through. Surely, God has better in mind. And I’m pretty sure nothing good can come from this mess or this sickness or this deeply rooted thing. But, my friend, that’s just it. He does have better in mind. He does!

Lysa pointed out a truth that I think is so powerful. She read:
This then is how you should pray
“Our Father in heaven, hollowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:9 & 10
She then challenged us...when we pray...remember 1. He has a plan 2. He has good in mind 3. His is faithful 4. His thoughts are higher So, I was gleaning this truth and trying to process how good can come from the loss of my son, Rudy, and why God has withheld good from my daughter and healing for my son in law. God showed me that when I pray in this way, I am giving Him complete control...surrendering that hard thing to Him. He indeed is worthy of my trust...He IS good and He would not allow anything in my life or my daughters life that He will not use for good. It’s hard though, because the struggle is real! So how do you even get to the place where you can pray in this way? In my quiet time I came across this verse, “He gives strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29 I have been learning that the more I pray in this way, the more my trust in Him becomes just a little bit easier. His strength allows me to embrace His blessed hope and His peace then overwhelms me. He meets me in my weakness. He lifts me up. But please don’t think I have totally arrived. Can I be honest with you? I still cry uncontrollably. I have serious hard days that don’t feel “good.” But I’m learning to pray...really cry out to God. For He is my ever present help in times of trouble. I’ll leave you with this last thought that Lysa said, “ Keep your eyes on Jesus...for God is stirring good up in us even through the suffering...through the brokenness. We will then rise up and be a sweet offering to the Lord.” Now that, my friend, is a good word that does the heart good.