My writing so far has been quite heavy...for me to write and for you to read. So today I am sharing the sweeter side of life. It’s November 1st and I’ve had my house decorated for fall since Labor Day. My birthday is September 1st which usually falls Labor Day weekend....its a perfect weekend to get out my favorite decor... pumpkins! And yes, I am “That Mom” who loves everything pumpkin spice!
I LOVE Fall and all that comes with it. I love pumpkins, fall colors, bonfires, and all the family fun! But I have to admit something to you. I have also become “That Mom” who now buys pumpkins out of a deep bin at the local grocery store. You know, the bin where you can’t reach down far enough to sort through the mound of pumpkins to get the perfect one. You just settle for the ones closest to the top that you can actually pull out. Oh my!
Pumpkins for Sale
I never thought I would be “That Mom!” For goodness sake, I thought I would forever go as a family to the local pumpkin patch, enjoy a hayride, roast hot dogs, and come home with some really cool pumpkins! But that all changed about 7-8 years ago when the kids became teens and life got a little harder to juggle. So, those beautiful, orange pumpkins now make their way to my home by a trip to Aldi and me filling a basket with $3.99 pumpkins. We do have our years of a fun corn maze, etc. but I don’t buy pumpkins at farms anymore. The pumpkins don’t even get turned into Jack O Lanterns. They are simply purchased for fall decorating and the joy they bring me!

October bustles in next with even more decorations to put out for Halloween. With the kids now in their 20’s, I have adjusted things a bit. I host a Halloween Party each year for family and extended family. I plan it on the Sunday evening before Halloween so that Halloween night can be spent with everyone’s own little family. We all get dressed up and everyone pitches in with the food. My husband made some delicious ribs this year. He is such a great cook...better than me. He’s more creative and I am more...well..practical and convenient. Anyway, I’m getting off track. Halloween now looks way different than it used to, but I have learned to adjust and enjoy the new way of celebrating.

Last night was Halloween. It was quiet but still celebrated with a few of my kiddos and hubby. We passed out candy to tricker treaters...I so look forward to the cuties next door. I made homemade hot cocoa, served pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream, set out cupcakes(made from Publix!) and candy. We watched Haunted Mansion and just enjoyed this lovely evening. It’s a night I look forward to all year! Really! I love Halloween!

My daughter, Jessie, asked me why I love Halloween so much and it got me thinking. I have so many good memories from my childhood. My mom made every holiday so very special! Over the years I have also loved watching my kids interact as siblings...they enjoyed dressing up, trick or treating, and all that comes with that. They would laugh and have so much fun together...its such a family thing.
The highlight of the evening would be the kids coming home, claiming a spot on the living room floor and then proceeding to dump all their candy out. I would watch as they traded with each other, and even sweeter...they would throw a piece of candy on one of their siblings pile because they I knew it was a favorite. They would even give Scott and myself candy. I always got the tootsie rolls because they are one of my favs! The evening was wrapped up with laughs and smiles and sweets and the watching of Haunted Mansion. Those were the days!

Next Comes Thanksgiving
So I hope you too had a wonderful evening last night making sweet memories...its so important to do that because they are forever etched inside us...we can glean joy from them in the days ahead as we build our lives on a precious thing called family. God’s sweet, sweet, gift.
Now on to the next holiday! Thanksgiving! Or is it Christmas?! My daughter, Krysta, said last night, “tomorrow is November...time to get out the Christmas decor!” Wait, What? No way I said! I don’t think that’s right? How about you? What do y’all think about that? Please comment and let me know when you start decorating for Christmas. Do you wait till AFTER Thanksgiving?
I just think these holidays are getting all mixed up! Or maybe...just maybe...I’m not ready to wrap up my pumpkins and store them for another year.
I do love pumpkins!