Joy Restored
New name! Why the change? Read on to see how it came to be.
My Boys I have two sons.
A New Name
To Honor Rudy But how do I honor Rudy. My brown-eyed boy. The one God plucked out of Haiti and plopped into our family as if planned before the foundations of the world. I decided it would be fitting to have Rudy’s mark on my blog and wondered about using his initials. J.R. That’s how he signed his name. For the “J”, I chose the word Joy very quickly. So that was easy enough, but what about the “R”? In church one Sunday, Pastor Norris kept repeating this word…Restore. And that’s when I knew. “J” for Joy and “R” for Restored.
Joy Restored
What a beautiful idea God gently whispered to me that Sunday morning. I absolutely love it!
It is only through the Lord and His Word that I can pen anything of hope.
And that is what I love to do.
Read these verses found in the book of Psalms
You have turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks foreverPsalms 30 11 & 12 Isn’t that beautiful! Through the loss of Rudy, it is only in Jesus Christ that I can walk this road with Joy. It is only through Him that I can be truly comforted to the point I can breathe each day anew. My new blog name is Joy Restored because there is such truth in that. In the darkest of places…Joy can be Restored. Sweet friend, continue along with me as I discover more about how to navigate the hard things in life. Together, we can encourage and remind each other of what God has taught us along the way. Because life is often bittersweet and we can all use a little more sweet. Crystal